General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> September 5, 2011

Macro-driven Investing Across Sectors & Asset Classes – Edward M. Dempsey – Pension Partners, Llc

Dempsey, Edward M.
Edward M. Dempsey, CFP, is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Pension Partners, LLC. For over 20 years, Mr. Dempsey has provided professional management and advice in the areas of pension planning and investment management. He has built a reputation for being an alternative manager, able to position client portfolios in ways that traditional Wall Street firms don't in an effort to continuously maximize the amount of time and capital spent in potentially outperforming investments. His clients include principals of closely held businesses, high-net-worth individuals, executives of large corporations and small endowments. Mr. Dempsey is a Chartered Financial Consultant and Certified Financial Planner. He is also a member of a number of industry associations including the Society of Financial Service Professionals and the Institute for Investment Consultants. Profile
TWST: You made a call back in June, in which you foreshadowed the problems with the economy this summer. How did you see that when so many other people missed it, and what is the outlook now?
