General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> June 30, 2017

Limiting Downside Losses by Managing Risk to Capital

Schreiber Jr., Don
Don Schreiber Jr., CFP, is Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Portfolio Manager at WBI Investments. He is also co-author of All About Dividend Investing, published by McGraw-Hill in 2011, and the author of Building a World Class Financial Services Business: How to Transform Your Sales Practice into a Business Worth Millions, released by Dearborn Publishing in 2001. He has a degree in business finance from Susquehanna University. Mr. Schreiber is also Chief Executive Officer of The Hartshorne Group as well as Chief Executive Officer of Millington Securities. Profile
TWST: Could you tell me a little bit about WBI?

Mr. Schreiber: WBI is a firm that was founded in 1984. We manage, as our first priority, risk to capital. We