Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> July 10, 2000

Engineering & Construction : Fritz Von Camp – Merrill Lynch

JEANNE TERRILE is the Director of Strategic Research and head of the Engineering and Construction and the Electrical Equipment sectors at Merrill Lynch. She received her BA from Marymount Manhattan College and her Master's degree from New York University. Ms. Terrile is a member of the NYSSA. Profile
Fritz Von Carp is a Vice Presicent at Merrill Lynch Global Securities. Mr. Von Carp is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Member of AIMR. He holds a BA from the University of Oregon and an MALD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, where he studied International Finance and Economic Policy. Profile
TWST: Jeanne, will you begin with a profile of the engineering and

construction industry in 2000?

Ms. Terrile: We are seeing a couple of things that are overriding trends

in the year 2000. We