General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> August 23, 1999

Douglas G. Taylor – National Securities

DOUGLAS G. TAYLOR was born in Montreal, Canada and received his BA from the University of Louisville in 1957. He was an officer in the Navy on a Pacific fleet destroyer. In the early '60s, Mr. Taylor worked for city and urban renewal agencies and in 1967, moved to the Northwest. He joined National Securities Corporation in 1991. He currently works with his son, Steven. Mr. Taylor has served on the Board of Boy Scouts, has worked in various political campaigns, both local and national, and has participated in numerous fund raising committees. He enjoys golf and flying. Profile
TWST: Tell us the focus of National Securities.

Mr. Taylor: National is, I like to call it a regional firm that

operates all over the United States. It is a small firm, it is a growing
