Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> June 28, 1999

Charles A. Hayes – Guilford Mills Inc

CHARLES A. HAYES is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Guilford Mills, Inc. His other affiliations include: Director, American Textile Manufacturers Institute, Knitted Textile Association, Piedmont Associated Industries, North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry, North Carolina Textile Foundation, Biosource Genetics Corp., North Carolina Trust Co. as well as President, Southwest Farms & Ranch. He is also a past President of North Carolina Textile Manufacturers Association. Educated in the state of New York, Mr. Hayes has numerous honors, including: Beta Gamma Sigma Fraternity, 1987 and Distinguished Service Award, 1992, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Psi Psi Textile Fraternity, School of Textiles, 1984 and Wautaga Medal, 1994, North Carolina State University. He is currently on boards of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Piedmont Associated Industries, North Carolina State University among others, and is a Director at Wesley Long Community Hospital, as well. Profile
TWST: Let's start out by your giving us a brief overview of Guilford

Mills, your history, products, customers, those kinds of things?

Mr. Hayes: I came to Greensboro, North Carolina, 38