General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> April 17, 2000

Alan Hoffman – Value Line Asset Management

ALAN N. HOFFMAN is a Senior Portfolio Manager at Value Line Asset Management. He has been with Value Line since 1988, originally in the Research Department, and since 1991 with Value Line's Investment Management division. He currently participates in a team that manages growth equities for three members of the Value Line fund family, as well as the Talvest Value Line Equity Trust and seven pension and endowment accounts. Before joining the firm, Mr. Hoffman spent five years as an Investment Banker with the First Boston Corporation, where he worked as a Product Specialist in tax-motivating leasing and project finance transactions. His educational background includes a BFA from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and a PhD from Yale University, both in Music History. Mr. Hoffman is a Chartered Financial Analyst and holds a Series 7 NASD license. Profile
TWST: Begin with the Timeliness Ranking System that Value Line

implements and is, of course, most well-known for.

Mr. Hoffman: The Timeliness Ranking System goes back to the mid-1960s,

when it