JONATHAN RICH graduated from Tulane University with an interdisciplinary
major in economics, political science, history and philosophy. He
continued his education by receiving a joint JD/MBA degree from Fordham
University where his concentration was in corporate finance. The
majority of his professional career was spent working for First Colonial
Financial Group, a 13-office, 150-person regional firm based out of
Philadelphia first as a Senior Vice President and then as Managing
Director in their corporate finance department. The firm specialized in
and focused its corporate finance activities on financial institutions,
primarily community banks and mortgage/specialty finance companies.
During 1999 and 2000, Mr. Rich’s group was recognized by SNL Securities
as a top 10 specialty finance advisor in the nation based on the number
of transactions completed. First Colonial was acquired by vFinance in
January of 2001 and Mr. Rich has continued his practice since then. Over
the past 10 years, Mr. Rich has been responsible for the successful
completion of over $300 million worth of M&A assignments and having
raised both in public and private offerings either as lead or co-manager
over $350 million in capital. The father of two, Mr. Rich sits on the
Tulane University Alumni Admission Committee, COSAC Executive Committee,
and is active in fundraising for causes such as autism and the Holocaust
March 04, 2004