General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> April 8, 2013

Investing in Growth at a Reasonable Price

Reid, Gordon
Gordon Reid, President and CEO of Goodreid Investment Counsel Corp., entered the financial services business in 1985 and cofounded Goodreid Investment Strategy, one of Canadaís first fully discretionary high net worth wrap accounts. Prior to embarking on his career in money management, Mr. Reid was Manager, Corporate Finance, for a large multinational company, formulating policy on debt management, financial risk and working capital management. Mr. Reid has been a registered Portfolio Manager with the Ontario Securities Commission since 1989, and he graduated from McGill University with a B.A. in 1975. Profile
TWST: Tell us a little bit about Goodreid Investment Counsel.

Mr. Reid: Goodreid originated in 1986, and combined my surname, Reid, and the surname of my first partner, Peter Goodwin.