Recommended Reading – CEO Blandness Banned,

November 23, 2009

Dr. Leslie Gaines-Ross, who writes the ReputationXchange blog and Weber Shandwick’s chief reputation strategist, put together a clever blog post today on the need for visionary CEOs.  She focused on the need for leaders (CEOs included),

… to step out of the shadows and speak up.

She goes on to briefly discuss a recent article in the Economist entitled, The cult of the faceless boss .  The article,

… advises leaders to be bold, not bland. In another line that hit home, the writer says: “These are people who have created the future, rather than merely managing change, through the force of their personalities and the strength of their visions.” Less managing and more leading.

While not fully in favor of celebrity CEOs, I do agree that CEOs must lead by example and remain vocal to help their companies, guide their employees and work to improve the overall reputations of leaders which has been so damaged over the last few years.  Check out the ReputationXchange blog.