Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> March 2, 2000

William C. Park – Digital Impact Inc (digi)

William C. Park, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, co-Founded Digital Impact in April 1997 with the mission of being the leader in e- mail marketing. Prior to Digital Impact, Park was director of profile marketing at NetAngels, where he co-designed and evangelized the company's Web personalization technology. Park also served as Vice President for ZAI*NET Software, Inc., a New York-based developer of risk management systems for foreign currency trading. As Vice President, Park oversaw product development, marketing, and sales. Previously, Park served as an associate for McKinsey & Company in New York, where he led two client teams for a major reinsurance company. Park holds an MBA from Stanford University and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania. Profile
TWST: Give us a brief overview of Digital Impact, Inc. the company's

history, services, customers, those kinds of things.

Mr. Park: Digital Impact provides outbound personalized