General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> October 20, 2003

V.gallagher / J.kloppenburg – Needham Investment Management Llc

VINCENT E. GALLAGHER is a Portfolio Manager for Needham Investment Management, LLC, and has been Fund Manager of the Needham Small Cap Growth Fund since May 2002. Prior to joining the firm in 1993, Mr. Gallagher worked for First Boston and Chase Manhattan. He graduated from Georgetown University and earned a JD degree from New York University. Profile
JAMES K. KLOPPENBURG is a Portfolio Manager for Needham Investment Management, LLC, and has been the co-Manager of the Needham Growth Fund since May 2003. Prior to joining the firm, he worked for Bankers Trust Company from 1978 to 1982, Cyrus J. Lawrence from 1982 to 1985, Needham & Company from 1985 to 1994, and Chase H & Q from 1994 to 2001. He returned to Needham & Company in 2001. Mr. Kloppenburg graduated from Vassar College. Profile
TWST: Could you begin with a brief overview of Needham Investment and

your respective responsibilities there?

Mr. Gallagher: The asset management group has been around as an entity

since 1992.