General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> November 30, 2018

Eric M. Teal is Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner of Queens Oak Advisors, a position he has held since August 2015. He has overall responsibility for the firm’s investment strategy and results. This includes overall responsibility for asset allocation and directing portfolio management, research, trading, planning and risk management. Also, as Chief Compliance Officer, he is responsible for the firm’s adherence to all compliance standards. Additionally, he helps oversee the strategic direction and growth of the firm. Previously, he was the Chief Investment Officer of a regional bank and led the organization’s Capital Management Group for over 10 years. Formerly, he was Director of Equities for a Boston-based mutual fund company for nearly 10 years. He has a B.A. degree in economics and international studies from Rhodes College. He also is the past President of the alumni executive board for Rhodes College. He has an MBA from the University of Memphis and studied at the London School of Economics. He is on the board of the Echo Foundation and also on the UNC-TV board of trustees and serves as Board Chairman. Profile
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TWST: Could you tell me a little bit about the firm?
Mr. Teal: We are a wealth and asset management firm that focuses on tailored solutions