Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> January 25, 2021

Michael E. Hoffman joined Stifel in 2014 and is a Managing Director and Group Head of Diversified Industrials Research, covering Environmental Services and Pest Control. He is based out of the Baltimore office. His past awards include ranking #2 in pollution control from Institutional Investor, Greenwich Associates, and Reuters and top ranked with Starmine for Commercial Business Services estimates and stock picking. Mr. Hoffman has been an analyst for more than 32 years, having also been an analyst with Wunderlich Securities, Friedman Billings Ramsey, Credit Suisse, Robertson Stevens, and Salomon Brothers. He was director of research at Wunderlich, president, chief operating officer, and director of research with Caris, deputy director of research, head of fixed income research and group head of diversified industrial research with FBR, and head of global value research at Credit Suisse. Mr. Hoffman earned a B.S.E. from Widener University and an MBA from the Johnson School at Cornell University. He is the 2001 owner/rider winner of the Maryland Hunt Cup, an errant golfer and avid fly fisherman. He is a member of the National Waste and Recycling Association Hall of Fame Class of 2020. Profile
Word count: 2,255
TWST: Please introduce your coverage with a focus on the alternative energy space and subsectors you watch?
Mr. Hoffman: I cover, broadly, a