General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> November 18, 2016

Richard A. “Trip” Miller III is the Founder and Managing Partner of Gullane Capital LLC, and the investment partnership, Gullane Capital Partners LLC, which it serves as adviser to. He is actively engaged in investment research, portfolio management, business development and firm administration. Mr. Miller also serves on the Investment Committee for Gullane Capital Partners LLC. Before forming Gullane Capital LLC in 2002, he worked as an Associate in the Investment Banking and Equity Research Groups at Wunderlich Securities in Memphis, Tennessee. While at Wunderlich Securities, he conducted independent research in publicly traded small and microcap businesses while utilizing a value investing philosophy. Prior to his experience at Wunderlich Securities, Mr. Miller worked as a Research and Portfolio Management Assistant for Trusco Capital Management in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Miller graduated in 1998 from the University of Mississippi with a BBA in managerial finance. In 2000, he earned an MBA in finance and security analysis from the University of Florida, where he developed his analytical skills in the Graham-Buffett value investing curriculum. Profile
TWST: Can you provide an overview of your firm and any funds you want to discuss today?
Mr. Miller: Gullane Capital Partners is a value-oriented firm where we