Consumer >> CEO Interviews >> June 25, 2001

Scott Ryan – Reconditioned Systems Inc (resy)

SCOTT W. RYAN is Chairman of the Board of Reconditioned Systems, Inc. He is also Chairman, Audit Committee Refurbisher, Haworth Modular Office Furniture since 1995 until present. Prior he was Founder and Principal NASD Registered Broker/Dealer at S.W. Ryan & Company, Inc. from 1988 to present, President, Investment Advisory Firm, HMR Capital Management from 1991 to present; Vice President, Merrill Lynch from 1980 to 1983; Comptroller of Currency, US Treasury, Executive Advisor for Banking & Securities from 1979-1980 and Institutional Sales at Goldman, Sachs & Co. from 1973 to 1980. Mr. Ryan has a MBA concentration in Finance from the University of Virginia and a BS in Engineering from the US Naval Academy. Profile
TWST: We'd like to begin with a historical sketch of Reconditioned

Systems, Inc., and then a profile of the company as it is now.

Mr. Ryan: Reconditioned Systems, Inc., was formed in March