Financial Services >> Sector Roundtables >> April 20, 1998

Roundtable Forum: Regional Banks / Eastern

KATRINA BLECHER is a Managing Director at Sandler O'Neill & Partners, LP, covering large, regional banks. She specializes in analysis of banking and finance institutions as well as industry trends from the start of her comprehensive career. Ms. Blecher was previously associated with Gruntal & Co., L.L.C., Brown Brothers Harriman, Oppenheimer & Company, Inc., Fitch Investors Service, Inc., Fahnestock & Company, Inc., Piper Jaffray and IBCA, Inc. She received a BA in Economics from Columbia University and is currently a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts and the Bank and Financial Analysts Association. Profile
TWST: Gerard, you focus your definition of a regional bank on its assets

and liabilities. The liability side of the balance sheet being the best

way to distinguish a regional bank from other types