General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> May 13, 2002

Richard Earnest – Highmark Capital Management

RICHARD H. EARNEST is a Director of HighMark Capital Management. He has gained more than 35 years' experience in all facets of investment management, since working with the firm and its predecessors beginning in 1964. Specializing in equity management, Mr. Earnest developed the value momentum style of investing and has managed the highly successful Value Momentum strategy since its inception. He is also Vice President of Current Income Shares, a closed-end mutual fund. Prior positions include a Board member of Current Income Shares and Chief Investment Officer of Union Capital Advisors. Mr. Earnest is a member of the Los Angeles Society of Financial Analysts and has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation from the Association for Investment Management and Research. Profile
TWST: Can you please give our readers a brief overview of HighMark

Capital Management, as well as your responsibilities there?

Mr. Earnest: HighMark is an investment management subsidiary of