Financial Services >> CEO Interviews >> February 7, 2005

Richard Balfour-lynn – Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group (mwb)

Richard Balfour-Lynn is Chief Executive Officer of Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group. He formed Warwick Balfour Properties Plc in 1982, a commercial and residential property development and investment company working in established and growth areas of Central London. He co-founded MWB in 1994 and joined the Board of MWB Group Plc in June 1997. He is responsible for the Group's overall direction, the co-ordination of all areas of activity and its financial strategy Profile
TWST: What is Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group?

Mr. Balfour-Lynn: The company was formed in 1994 as a private property

company by three shareholders, three founding partners, of which I