General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> March 15, 2019

Kent Johnson, CFA, is a Senior Vice President of Research and Investment Management with Sit Investment Associates, Inc. He shares management responsibilities for several of the firm’s three dividend growth portfolios: the small- and mid-cap growth portfolios in the firm’s custom separately managed accounts, private investment funds and mutual funds. He also shares management responsibilities for the Sit ESG — environmental, social and governance — Growth Mutual Fund. He also provides fundamental research on companies in the capital goods, financial, transportation and education sectors. He leads the firm’s equity quantitative research team. Prior to joining Sit Investment Associates’ equity research staff in 1993, Mr. Johnson worked in a number of positions within the firm, including client administration and the systems department. Mr. Johnson received an MBA from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota in 1995 and received a B.S. degree in finance from the University of Minnesota in 1989. Profile
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TWST: And could you tell me a little bit about the firm?
Mr. Johnson: Eugene Sit founded the firm in 1981. CEO and President Roger Sit is the