Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> November 17, 2003
NEIL BERLANT is First Vice President and Managing Director of the Water
Group at The Seidler Companies Incorporated. Since 1968 he has been
continuously involved in the investment banking industry, either as a
principal, officer or Founder of several firms. He has been a speaker
at conferences on topics ranging from financing to business and
investment opportunities in the water industry and is quoted frequently
in many newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York
Times, Los Angeles Times and Investor's Business Daily. Prior to joining
The Seidler Companies in October 2002, he was associated with Wells
Fargo Investments (1999 to 2002), PaineWebber Incorporated (1991 to
1999), Water Research Associates (1986 to present), Cantor, Fitzgerald
and Company (1985-1986), the Amdec portion of Seidler Amdec Securities
(1981-1985), Crowell Weedon and Company (1976-1981), Stern, Frank, Meyer
and Fox (1972-1976) and Kleiner, Bell and Company (1968-1972). He
received his Bachelor's degree in Finance from the California State
University in Los Angeles. Profile
TWST: Could we start out with a quick overview of what you see happeningin the water space that you follow?
Mr. Berlant: There are a number of significant issues related to water
that are