General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> January 26, 2004


MICHAEL C. SCHOECK is a Senior Principal of State Street Global Advisors, a member of the Investment Committee and a member of the Senior Management Group. He is responsible for directing the firm's Global Quantitative Strategies team. Mr. Schoeck has been working as an international investment manager since 1986. Prior to joining SSgA in 1997, he was the head of international equities for Standish, Ayer & Wood. Before that, he led the equities team for Commerzbank Investment Management, a subsidiary of Commerzbank and one of Germany's largest financial institutions. Mr. Schoeck attended London University and is a graduate of Stuttgart University where he received his Master's degree. He also received financial analyst certification from the German Society of Investment Analysts. Profile
TWST: Can you tell us what your responsibilities are at State Street

Global Advisors?

Mr. Schoeck: I head up the global active quantitative area worldwide. I

hasten to stress 'quantitative'