General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> September 30, 2002

Michael Caplan – State Street Global Advisors

MICHAEL CAPLAN is a Principal and Senior Portfolio Manager at State Street Global Advisors. He is the team leader for the aggressive equity and small cap strategies. He is also the head of the line group, the US Active Quantitative Equity Group. He has extensive experience in developing actively managed quantitative investment strategies. Mr. Caplan has been a Portfolio Manager since 1986 and prior to joining SSGA he worked for Independence Investment Associates and MassMutual Insurance Company (David L. Babson Inc.). He holds the CFA Charter and is a member of the Boston Security Analyst Society. He has a BA in Political Science and an MBA in Finance and Corporate Accounting from the University of Rochester. Profile
TWST: Could you tell us about your responsibilities at State Street

Global Advisors and the Aggressive Equity Fund that you cover?

Mr. Caplan: I'm a principal at SSGA. I lead the team that