General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> August 10, 2018

Aubrey Hearn is Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager of Sentry Investment Management. Mr. Hearn joined Sentry in 2005 and has more than 10 years of financial industry experience. His keen understanding of business dynamics, dedication to internal research and focus on high-quality, dividend-paying companies has led to a number of investment awards and increasing industry recognition. In 2015, he was named Investment Executive’s Mutual Fund Manager of the Year, which recognizes consistent outperformance over 10 years, on the basis that while one year of strong returns is not unusual, a long-term track record of outperformance is exceptional. Mr. Hearn is the lead manager of Sentry Small/Mid Cap Income Fund and Sentry U.S. Growth and Income Fund, and co-manager of Sentry U.S. Monthly Income Fund. He is also a member of the management team for the company’s flagship fund, Sentry Canadian Income Fund. Mr. Hearn graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Memorial University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst — CFA — designation. Profile
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TWST: Could you please start with a brief introduction to Sentry and tell us about your role there?
Mr. Hearn: Sentry is an asset manager