General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> April 12, 1999

Kenneth N. Ross – Jmc Capital Management

Ross, Kenneth N.
Kenneth N. Ross, CFA, is Executive Vice President and Co-Owner of Eagle Capital Management, LLC. He is a native New Orleanian who earned both his Bachelor of Science undergraduate degree in management and Master of Business Administration graduate degree from the University of New Orleans. Upon graduation, Mr. Ross joined Mike Rohm at Entergy Corporation, where he oversaw the firm's $500 million retirement assets and managed the corporation's $900 million investment portfolio over a nine-year span. In 1990, Mr. Ross began working with JMC Capital Management. He was Director of Marketing for two years and a portfolio manager for eight years. Mr. Ross is a Chartered Financial Analyst. He is a member of the Association for Investment Management and Research. Profile
TWST: Will you give us background on JMC Capital Management and tell us

something about your investment approach?

Mr. Francis: JMC Capital Management was founded in 1980, as a
