Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> October 25, 2004


JERRY McMAHON was appointed Chief Executive Officer of NeoRx Corporation in May 2004 and Chairman of the Board of Directors a month later. Previously, he was President of SUGEN, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of novel, targeted small- molecule drugs. At SUGEN, Dr. McMahon played a key role in the discovery and development of several innovative cancer products, including SU-11248, a multi-targeted protein kinase inhibitor for the treatment of advanced cancers, now in Phase III trials with Pfizer. SUGEN was acquired by Pharmacia in 1999, which subsequently was acquired by Pfizer in 2003. Dr. McMahon was instrumental in providing transition leadership, stability and oversight for SUGEN programs and employees through these acquisitions. Prior to his role at SUGEN, which he joined in 1993, Dr. McMahon held several R&D management positions at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals (now Novartis), where his responsibilities included the establishment of external collaborations and the development of corporate alliances within the US and Europe. Dr. McMahon has contributed to more than 100 scientific publications and was a Staff Scientist and Principal Investigator at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts University School of Medicine early in his career. He holds a BS in Biology and a PhD in Biochemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Profile
TWST: We'd like to begin with a brief summary of NeoRx and its current


Dr. McMahon: NeoRx is a company that has been focused on generating

innovative therapeutics for quite a