General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> January 17, 2005


JASON D. PRIDE, Vice President and Director of Research at The Haverford Trust Company, is primarily responsible for providing fundamental research to support the investment strategies and tactics of the Investment Selection Committee. Prior to joining The Haverford Trust Company, he was a Research Analyst with Logan Capital Management, Inc. Prior to that, he was a Financial Analyst with the proprietary trading division of Warburg Dillon Read, LLC, where he played an active role in the management of the department's portfolios of stocks, options and convertible securities. Mr. Pride is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a member of both the Association of Investment Management and Research and the Financial Analysts of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he received a dual degree in Management Science and Chemical Engineering. Profile
HENRY B. SMITH is Vice President, Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer of equity management at The Haverford Trust Company. He is also Chairperson of the Investment Selection Committee and serves on the company's Board of Directors. Prior to joining Haverford Trust, Mr. Smith was employed with Mellon Bank and PNC Bank. He is a Trustee of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and the Rectory School. Mr. Smith serves on the Board of Directors of two privately held companies, and is a graduate and Trustee of Franklin & Marshall College. Profile
TWST: Would you give us a brief overview of Haverford Trust Company and

your responsibilities there?

Mr. Smith: I'm the Chief Investment Officer of The Haverford Trust

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