Industry & Services >> Analyst Interviews >> July 8, 2002

Investing In Power Companies: Edward Tirello Jr. – Berenson Minella & Co

EDWARD J. TIRELLO JR., Senior Power Strategist at Berenson Minella, leads the firm's Power and Utilities Group. He joined Berenson Minella from the Utility Investment Banking Group at Deutsche Bank. He has spent 31 years of his career as a utility industry research analyst, moving over to the investment banking side as a strategist for the past two years. He has been frequently quoted in the financial and trade media on macro industry events and trends. Prior to Deutsche Bank, he worked at two of its US acquisitions, BT Alex. Brown and NatWest Securities. Prior to that, he worked for Smith Barney and Lehman Brothers. He has a BS in Economics from St. Peter's College, an MBA in Finance and Marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University and has completed course work toward a PhD at Penn State. Profile
TWST: Edward, will you begin by telling us about Berenson Minella & Co.,

and your role at the firm?

Mr. Tirello: Berenson Minella is a private boutique investment banking

firm, started in