Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> February 13, 2024

Interview with the Chairman and CEO: Superior Drilling Products Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:SDPI)

Meier, Troy
Troy Meier is CEO and Chairman of Superior Drilling Products. Mr. Meier has over 43 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, including 13 years at Christensen Diamond/Baker Hughes. Since the inception of the company in 1993, Mr. Meier has spearheaded the development of its new manufacturing business as well as its research and development activities. Mr. Meier has also been responsible for not only inventing, but also designing, engineering and manufacturing industry-specific machinery, tools and processes and has numerous patents and patent pending applications. Profile
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TWST: Why don’t we start with you giving background on the company?

Mr. Meier: The company started in 1993 based on an innovative idea of