General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> July 20, 2017

James A. Abate, MBA, CPA, CFA, is the Chief Investment Officer of Centre Asset Management, LLC, and the Portfolio Manager of the firm’s American Select Equity and Global Listed Infrastructure strategies. He also serves as the firm’s Managing Director and as the President and Trustee of the Centre Funds. Prior to founding Centre Asset Management, Mr. Abate was Investment Director, North America, for GAM Investments. Prior to GAM, Mr. Abate served as Managing Director and Fund Manager/Head of U.S. Active Equity at Credit Suisse Asset Management responsible for its U.S. Select Equity Strategy and stable of Global Sector Funds. Mr. Abate has achieved Standard & Poor’s Funds Research AAA rating, received numerous “Category King” mentions in The Wall Street Journal, is the recipient of the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award for Best U.S. Equity Fund, as well as multiyear Investment Week award nominations. Prior to transitioning to asset management, he was a Manager in Price Waterhouse’s Valuation/Corporate Finance Group, and served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and Reserves, achieving the rank of Captain. Mr. Abate holds a B.S. in accounting from Fairleigh Dickinson University, an MBA in finance from St. John’s University, and is a visiting Adjunct Professor in the graduate and honors academic programs at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College. He is a contributing author to several John Wiley published books, Applied Equity Valuation, Focus on Value, Short Selling and The Theory and Practice of Investment Management; has written articles that have appeared in The Journal of Portfolio Management, Investment Week, FT Investment Adviser, The Wall Street Journal and Mergers & Acquisitions, among other publications; and his writings with Professor J. Grant, Ph.D., on the economic value added approach to security analysis have been adopted by the CFA Institute candidate study programs. Mr. Abate is a former member of the editorial advisory board of The Journal of Portfolio Management. Profile
TWST: Can you describe the firm and your role in it?
Mr. Abate: I am the Managing Director of Centre Asset Management where I also serve as the Chief Investment Officer. Centre Asset