Financial Services >> Analyst Interviews >> October 5, 2009

Community Banking Outlook – Laurie Hunsicker – Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc.

Laurie Hunsicker joined the Stifel Nicolaus research team in June 2007, covering Northeast community banks and thrifts. Prior to joining Stifel, Ms. Hunsicker spent 17 years as a Managing Director and Co-Head of the Financial Institutions Group research team, and she also worked at Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group, Inc. Ms. Hunsicker led the research team responsible for detailed analysis of community banks and thrifts, and she oversaw the investment process of the community bank and thrift team, using a bottom-up approach. She is well known in the financial services investment community for providing in-depth, fundamental analysis and investment recommendations on community banks and thrifts, with a geographic focus on New England and parts of the Mid-Atlantic. Profile
TWST: What stocks do you cover within the banking industry?

Ms. Hunsicker: I cover community banks and thrifts. That is the only sector that I follow, and I follow 18 companies.

TWST: Are they in a