Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> October 14, 2002

Brian Farley – Vnus Medical Technologies Inc

BRIAN E. FARLEY is President and Chief Executive Officer of VNUS Medical Technologies Inc. He joined VNUS as the first employee in 1995 after 14 years with Eli Lilly and Company and Guidant Corporation. At VNUS, Mr. Farley has led the company from product development and fund-raising to its current stage of marketing the VNUS vein Closure products throughout the world. Prior to VNUS, Mr. Farley was at Guidant Corporation where he held the positions of Vice President of R&D at Guidant-DVI, and Vice President of R&D for Stents at Guidant-ACS. Past positions included Director of Clinical Research at DVI and Manager of New Product Technology in the Medical Device Division M&A group at Eli Lilly and Company. Mr. Farley has an MS in Electrical Engineering with a major in Biomedical Engineering from Purdue University. Profile
TWST: Could we begin with a brief historical sketch of VNUS Medical

Technologies and then go on to a picture of things as they are now?

Mr. Farley: VNUS Medical Technologies was founded in