General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> September 23, 2016

A Value Strategy with Decisions Made at the Company Level

Polley, Malcolm E.
Malcolm E. Polley, CFA, is President and Chief Investment Officer for Stewart Capital Advisors, LLC. He began his career in 1987, and he has held leadership positions with many financial services organizations including S&T Wealth Management, Marquette Trust Company, Marquette Advisory Services and West Bank. Mr. Polley received a BBA in finance from Iowa State University. He is a member and past president of the CFA Society of Pittsburgh. Mr. Polley has been on the adjunct faculty at the Eberly College of Business and Technology at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Profile
TWST: Could you please identify yourself?

Mr. Polley: My name is Malcolm Polley, I'm President, Chief Investment Officer of Stewart Capital