Joan E. Lappin

Lappin, Joan E.

Joan E. Lappin is Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Gramercy Capital Management Corp., a registered investment adviser, which she founded in 1986. Gramercy has been ranked number one for its five-year performance in the Nelson’s Directory of Registered Investment Advisors. Gramercy has, in the past, managed pension assets for Safeway, Chrysler, Bankers Trust’s Minority Equity Trust, Portland General and the Rothschild Bank in Zurich, among others. Mrs. Lappin has been a featured guest on national TV shows discussing the stock market on Bloomberg, PBS, CNBC and Fox Business. She has been the subject of feature stories in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times and a host of other publications. Mrs. Lappin has lectured at the Wharton School, NYU Stern and the University of Wisconsin. Before founding Gramercy Capital, she managed portfolios at Manufacturers Hanover Trust, and Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder. Mrs. Lappin authors a weekly financial column in the Sarasota Herald Tribune. Mrs. Lappin also holds a 100-ton USCG Master Mariners License and teaches sailing at Sail Long Island on summer weekends.