Dave Alberga

DAVE ALBERGA, Chief Executive Officer of The Active Network, Inc.,
oversees the company’s entire management and operations. Prior to this,
Alberga spent three years in operations for TicketmasterOnline
CitySearch, a leading portal and transaction company and now an
operating business of IAC/InterActiveCorp years, his initial role as
general manager of established markets for CitySearch City Guides was
expanded to executive vice president and then, chief operating officer.
Ticketmaster career highlights include successfully leading local
management teams in 35 markets, while overseeing operating and reporting
procedures for each field organization, and participating in raising
private and public equity for CitySearch. Additional experience includes
senior management positions with Linear Technology, Silicon Valley
Technology, Inc, and consulting and brand management at Boston
Consulting Group and Procter & Gamble. Alberga holds a master’s in
business administration and a master’s in arts from Stanford University.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in general engineering from the United
States Military Academy at West Point. Alberga is also a board member of
Running USA, a national non-profit trade organization dedicated to
improving the status of road racing and long distance running in the
United States.

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November 05, 2004