Technology >> CEO Interviews >> August 3, 2000

Richard Kreysar – Accrue Software Inc (acru)

RICHARD KREYSAR, President and CEO of Accrue Software, Inc., has more than 17 years of experience in developing, implementing and managing software companies. Formerly the General Manager and Vice President of Operations at Network Associates (McAfee), Mr. Kreysar was responsible for marketing, sales, product line development, consulting and MIS operations. Prior to Network Associates, Mr. Kreysar was Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Computer Associates, in the company's applications and PC products divisions, where he planned and directed the assimilation and integration of nine acquired companies into a cohesive and profitable strategy. Mr. Kreysar holds a BS in Mathematics from Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri. Profile
TWST: Could we start out by you giving us a brief overview of Accrue

Software, Inc.?

Mr. KreysarKreysar: The company is about four years old now. We went

public in July of 1999. To date, we