Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> October 26, 2004

Paul Abrams – Ceptyr Inc

DR. PAUL G. ABRAMS is President and Chief Executive Officer of Ceptyr, Inc. He was formerly President and CEO of NeoRx Corporation and is on the Board of Directors of Global Biosciences, a bioremediation company. He was trained in oncology at the National Cancer Institute and then became Cancer Expert at the NCI's Biologics Response Modifiers Program. He received Doctorate degrees in Medicine and in Law from Yale University. He has published more than 60 scientific papers, edited two books, and is inventor on more than 13 US patents. Profile
TWST: Give us a brief history of your company and an overview of what

you do.

Dr. Abrams: CEPTYR is uniquely focused on developing drugs against a

class of enzymes in cells that are called