Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> April 1, 1998

David M. Cornell – Cornell Corrections Inc (crn)

DAVID M. CORNELL, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, is a leading developer of correctional facilities. He has 40 years of executive experience in finance and construction development, culminating in the founding of Cornell Corrections, Inc., one of the largest private corrections companies in the world. His early development activity included construction operations management of four, 500-male pre- release facilities for the Texas Department of Corrections which were the first privately-operated correctional facilities in the state of Texas; a 300-bed male pre-trial detention facility for the United States Marshals Service in Central Falls, Rhode Island; a 1140-bed multi-user corrections facility in Plymouth, Massachusetts; and a 16-bed juvenile detention facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. Each project included site selection, design, construction, community relations and financing. Since this beginning, his development teams have generated successful correctional projects resulting in more than $500 million in construction and $200 million in annual operating revenues. Mr. Cornell has also directed the acquisitions of the Allvest, Inc.; Abraxas Group; Interventions, Inc.; Midtex Detentions, Inc.; The Reid Center, Inc.; and Eclectic Communications, Inc. Profile
TWST: First, just to sort of background to set a frame, will you give

our readers sort of a thumbnail sketch of Cornell Corrections, what it

does, what's is mission.

Mr. Cornell: We are a