Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> July 28, 2003

Alex Mcpherson – Biomira Inc (biom)

DR. ALEX MCPHERSON is President and Chief Executive Officer of Biomira Inc. He joined Biomira in October 1991 after having served on the Board of Directors for four years. He currently serves on several Boards. Dr. McPherson received his degree in Medicine from the University of Alberta in 1962 and his PhD and specialty training in Australia from 1964 to 1969. He was appointed full Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta in 1977. He served as Deputy Minister of Alberta- Hospitals and Medical Care until 1988 when he was appointed Deputy Commissioner and Executive Director of the Premier's Commission on Future Health Care for Albertans. Dr. McPherson is a Fellow of the Canadian, Australasian, and American Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and is a past President of both the Alberta and Canadian Medical Associations. Profile
TWST: Would you start things off with a brief introduction to Biomira?

Dr. McPherson: Biomira is a therapeutic cancer vaccine company, and we

concentrate on the development of synthetic