Report Overview: Medical Devices

August 2, 2016

Medical devices investors have been paying attention to volume and pricing, which have been down but have also been stable. Volumes improved somewhat by about 100 basis point over the last year in developed markets, including the U.S. Domestically, analysts say the Affordable Care Act has increased access to health care for a group of patients, which has helped companies on the volume side. Lower unemployment levels have also provided a positive tailwind, analysts say. There has been a modest inflection in growth for medical devices, analysts say.

Medical devices providers have been proving hospitals and care providers that their solutions offer both clinical and economic value, making it an easier sell for buyers for the hospitals. Some of the last growth drivers in 2010 and 2011 were stents and cardiac-rhythm management, but now the major trend being monitored is consolidation, analysts say. The trend is for companies to get bigger and broader, and to offer more value to customers.

Full report available HERE.