Healthcare >> Analyst Interviews >> November 17, 2008


Reni Benjamin is Managing Director and Senior Biotechnology Analyst at Rodman & Renshaw, LLC. His expertise and company coverage consists of small cap companies in the oncology and stem cell sectors. He has previously been ranked among the top analysts for recommendation performance and earnings accuracy by StarMine and has been cited in a variety of sources including The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, Financial Times, Dow Jones Newswire, and SmartMoney. He has also made appearances on Bloomberg television/radio and CNBC. Prior to joining Rodman & Renshaw, he was an Associate Analyst in Needham and Company's biotechnology equity research department. Prior to that, he earned his Doctorate in Biochemistry by discovering and characterizing a novel gene implicated in germ cell development. His expertise includes biochemistry, functional genomics, gene therapy and molecular biology. He has presented at various regional and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals. He received his PhD from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Allegheny College. Profile
TWST: Where do you focus your attention within the biotech space?

Dr. Benjamin: In my opinion, that decision depends on what type of investor you

are. Clearly there are those investors that