Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> September 23, 2003

Robert Watson – Concuity Inc

Watson, Robert E.
Robert E. Watson was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Streamline Health, Inc., in 2011. He has more than 25 years of experience in the health care information technology industry as a CEO, board member and adviser to multiple companies. Before joining the company, Mr. Watson was President and CEO and a Director of DocuSys, Inc., a provider of anesthesia information systems that was acquired by Merge Healthcare Inc. in March 2010. Immediately before joining the company, Mr. Watson was engaged as a Consultant to several venture capital firms and growth-stage health care companies. Before joining DocuSys, he was Executive Vice President of Business Development of Concuity, a health care division of Trintech, Plc. Before that position, he was President and CEO and a Director at Concuity Inc, which was acquired by Trintech, Plc., in December 2006. Prior to joining Concuity in 2001, Mr. Watson was acting CEO of HealthTrac Corporation, Vice President and General Manager at Cerner Corporation, while serving as the CEO of its IQHealth business unit and has been the founder or senior executive of several health care organizations throughout his career. Mr. Watson was a director of Satori Labs, Inc., which was sold to Quality Systems, Inc. in 2011. Profile
TWST: Can we start out with a history and quick overview of Concuity?

Mr. Watson: Concuity sells a revenue cycle application suite and

services package to hospitals that focuses on payor