Technology >> CEO Interviews >> January 10, 2000

Richard S. Kalin – Micronetics Wireless Inc (noiz)

RICHARD S. KALIN has been Chairman, President and CEO of Micronetics Wireless, Inc. since 1992. He has over 20 years' experience with entrepreneurial/high growth companies. He has repositioned Micronetics to participate in the expanding communication network marketplace while maintaining its position in the defense/aerospace market. He is trained as a Lawyer with expertise in mergers and acquisitions. He was graduated from University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, with a BA and from Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC, with a JD. He sold his previous company, which grew from a startup to $65 million in revenues, in 2000. Profile
TWST: Give us a brief overview of Micronetics Wireless, Inc.

Mr. Kalin: Early in 1999, we reorganized the company to create two

distinct divisions: Micronetics/Equipment and