Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> March 18, 2002

Paul Walker – Spectral Diagnostics Inc (sdi:tse)

Walker, Paul
Paul Walker, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.S.C., is Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of Spectral Medical Inc. Dr. Walker joined Spectral as President and CEO in April 2001. Previously, he held the position of COO of the Toronto General Hospital, and was Surgeon in Chief and Vice President of the Surgical Directorate of the University Hospital Network. Dr. Walker was an active vascular surgeon and the Director of the Intensive Care Program, and Professor of Medicine and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Toronto. A pioneer in the area of endotoxin and its role in sepsis, and the co-inventor of the Endotoxin Activity Assay, or EAA, Dr. Walker is a frequent participant at leading sepsis and critical-care conferences, has been a keynote speaker at symposiums focusing on the role of endotoxin in sepsis and is the author of over 100 scientific publications. He received his M.D. from the University of Western Ontario, his Ph.D. from the Sahlgrenska University of Goteborg, Sweden, and is a graduate of the advanced management program from Harvard School of Business. Profile
TWST: Would you give us a history and overview of the company?

Dr. Walker: Spectral Diagnostics was incorporated in 1991 with a

specific interest in developing intellectual property in the