Technology >> Analyst Interviews >> November 10, 2003

Outlook For Semiconductor Equipment: Klaus-dieter Rinnen – Gartner Dataquest

KLAUS-DIETER RINNEN is Managing Vice President for Gartner Dataquest's Semiconductor Manufacturing and Design group, which covers trends and competitive positioning in semiconductor design, manufacturing technology (capital equipment, material) and manufacturing services (foundry, SATS ' semiconductor assembly and test services) and EMS (electronics manufacturing services). Before joining Dataquest, Dr. Rinnen was at Applied Materials, Santa Clara, and AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill. Dr. Rinnen earned a Diploma degree in Physics with minors in Physical Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering in Germany and a PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University. Profile
TWST: Can you give us a quick overview of what is going on in the whole

semiconductor equipment space at this point?

Mr. Rinnen: Today the industry is in a recovery mode. We declared that