General Investing >> Money Manager Interviews >> December 7, 1998
MICHELLE DICUS graduated from Reed College in 1981 with a B.A. in
Economics. She received the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
designation in 1985, and the Series 6 and 63 licenses in 1995. Michelle
participates regularly in the CFA Continuing Education Program and is a
member of the Portland Financial Analysts Society as well as the
Association of Investment Managers and Research Analysts. Dicus began
her career working for Willamette Management Associates, valuing
closely-held businesses. From Willamette, she moved to First Interstate
Bank where she began managing portfolio for individual clients. Her most
recent position was with U.S. Trust Company, managing about $200 million
in client assets. After sixteen years of working for other companies
investing for individuals, businesses and charitable organizations,
Michelle founded her own firm, Cascade Investment Advisors, Inc. in
1997. The firm caters to clients interested in customized , individual
asset management. Michelle frequently speaks to groups on a variety of
investment topics, including investing basics, value investing, and
market risk management. She has also been called as an expert witness to
testify on financial matters.
(FAT506)(6567) Profile
TWST: To begin, give us an idea of what Cascade Investment Advisorsdoes, your investment approach, the clients you serve.
Ms. Dicus: Let's talk about the investment approach first. I am