Technology >> CEO Interviews >> September 3, 2004


MATTHEW SMITH serves and President and Chief Executive Officer of 3C Software where he sets the strategic direction of the organization. Prior to taking the leadership post at 3C Software, Matthew has served many vital roles. Joining 3C Software in 1993 as a sales consultant, he gained experience in effective cost accounting practices across the many industries 3C Software serves. As his understanding of the cost management process grew, Matthew broadened his expertise by managing a number of successful implementations for the growing firm. Matthew continued to progress through the organization as Director of Business Development and Sales where he was responsible for forming relationships with new and existing cost management clients. From there, Matthew moved on to the role of Executive Vice President where he oversaw all operational areas including marketing, consulting, support, and strategic planning. He is consistently recognized for his expertise in developing and implementing enterprise cost systems and has been an invited speaker at many industry-specific conferences and trade shows. An alumnus of West Georgia College, Matthew infuses 3C Software with his own brand of passion and leadership and provides insight to his employees in the area of enterprise cost management. Profile
TWST: May we start off with a brief history and an overview of 3C


Mr. Smith: 3C Software has been in business since 1989 with the sole

mission to deliver high valued and very