Consumer >> CEO Interviews >> September 1, 2003

Louis Audet – Cogeco Cable Inc (cca:tse)

LOUIS AUDET is President and Chief Executive Officer of COGECO Inc. and Cogeco Cable Inc. He holds a Diploma in Science from Collge Jean-de- Brbeuf, Montral (1970), a Bachelor of Applied Sciences and an Electrical Engineering degree (electronics and communication) from cole Polytechnique de Montral (1974) and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Harvard Business School (1979). Mr. Audet worked for four years as an Engineering Project Manager for Bell Canada in the Montreal area. He acted in turn for the Outside Plant Network and Central Office Equipment departments. After two years in Boston, Mr. Audet joined CF Cable TV (formerly Cable T.V. Inc.) as Assistant to the Vice President, Development, and developed the firm's marketing plans with an emphasis on customer service. In 1981, Mr. Audet joined COGECO as National Sales Director, Television Operations. He served as Vice President, Marketing and Development, and later as Executive Vice President before becoming President of the company. Mr. Audet is a member of the Boards of Directors of COGECO and its affiliated companies. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Cable Television Association. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of CableLabs, a member of La Corporation de l'cole Polytechnique de Montral, a member of the Board of Directors of Collge Jean-de-Brbeuf as well as a member of the Council on Canadian Unity. Mr. Audet is President of the Development Fund of Collge Jean-de- Brbeuf. He is a member of the Order of Engineers of Qubec and a member of the Mount-Royal and Saint-James Clubs of Montreal. Profile
TWST: Would you begin with a brief overview of Cogeco Cable Inc.?

Mr. Audet: We're active on the cable side, serving 830,000 basic service

customers that extend from the outskirts of Detroit