Healthcare >> CEO Interviews >> January 12, 2004


Cullimore, Kelvyn H.
Kelvyn H. Cullimore Jr. is Chairman, President and CEO of Dynatronics Corporation. Mr. Cullimore was named Chairman of the board of Dynatronics in January 2005. He continues to serve as the company President and CEO, positions he has held since 1992. He had previously served as Secretary/Treasurer from 1983 to 1992 and as Administrative Vice President from 1988 to 1992. He has served as a director of the company and its predecessors since 1979. Mr. Cullimore graduated cum laude from Brigham Young University in 1980 with a degree in financial and estate planning. In addition to his involvement with Dynatronics, Mr. Cullimore served as Executive VP and a director of Dynatronics’ former parent company. Additionally, he has served previously on the boards of a printing company, lumber company and travel agency. From 2003 to 2016, Mr. Cullimore was a member of the board of the Medical Device Manufacturer’s Association, a national medical device trade association headquartered in Washington, D.C. He also serves as the Mayor of Cottonwood Heights, Utah. Profile
TWST: Can you give us a brief historical sketch of Dynatronics and a

picture of the things you are doing now?

Mr. Cullimore: Dynatronics is a medical device manufacturer

headquartered in Salt