Technology >> CEO Interviews >> August 1, 2002

Jeffrey Fraser – Nic Inc (egov)

JEFFREY S. FRASER, one of the co-Founders of NIC Inc., has served as Chairman since January 1999 and has been a Director since the company's formation. He was also named Chief Executive Officer in May 2002 and previously held that position from January 1992 until December 1998. From January 1993 until April 1998, Mr. Fraser also served as President and Chief Executive officer of the company's National Information Consortium USA, Inc., subsidiary. Additionally, he was the President and Chief Executive Officer of NIC's Kansas Information Consortium subsidiary from January 1992 until September 1998. He holds a BS in Human Resource Management and an MS in Information Systems from Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. Profile
TWST: Can we start out with an update on NIC? What's gone on over the

past year or so that investors should focus on?

Mr. Fraser: Over the past year, the best news about NIC is the