Industry & Services >> CEO Interviews >> April 15, 2005

James Benson – Spacedev Inc (spdv)

JAMES W. BENSON is the Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SpaceDev, Inc., a provider of affordable and innovative space products and solutions to government and commercial enterprises. Mr. Benson brings 30 years of successful, hands-on high-tech entrepreneurial and management experience to SpaceDev. Prior to founding SpaceDev, Mr. Benson was Founder and President of Compusearch Software Systems and ImageFast, both of McLean, Virginia. Mr. Benson holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the University of Missouri. He founded the non-profit Space Development Institute and he is the Vice Chairman and private sector representative on NASA's national Space Grant Review Panel. Profile
TWST: Could we begin with a brief historical sketch of SpaceDev and a

picture of things as they are now?

Mr. Benson: I founded SpaceDev in the summer of 1997, and we went public

in the fall of